Underwater photographer Stephen Frink
captured these unbelievable shots of what
is now believed to be the largest Great
White shark ever recorded.
The enormous shark, nicknamed the
White Death, was snapped off the coast of
Guadalupe, Mexico.
The terrifying photographs show the
monstrous shark peering into a divers’
Photographer Stephen Frink said: “These
are the three best places for great white
sharks on the planet.
“Great white sharks are the ocean’s apex
predator. Any underwater photographer
will covet a chance to get close and get
photos of them.
“There is intimacy in my photos. With
underwater photography it is necessary to
get very close, and with a great white
shark it takes a wide angle lens within
three feet away.
“Getting near and showing their behaviour
is my objective.”
The exact measurement of the Great White
were not taken, but a visual comparison
with the current record holder suggests
the shark in this picture could be a world
record contender.
Last year, video footage of a shark –
dubbed Deep Blue – showed the
monstrous fish smashing into the side of
a film crew’s boat.
Video from the attack is now being used
to warn people of the dangers of cage
diving with shark, the New Zealand Herald
has reported.
The animal was estimated to be some
20ft (6m) in length.
“People are typically impressed with the
predatory power of the great white, more
so than any other shark,” Underwater
photographer Frink added.
“Great white sharks are notoriously shy.
Only lately have we known where and
when to find them, reliably.
“They are beautiful. They are majestic.
They deserve to live.”